Friday, December 2, 2016

Healthy Italian dressing salad

2,5 cups of lettuce
1,5 cups of tomato
1 cup of pinneapple
1 cup of mango
1/2 cup of Italian Dressing
1 cup of sweet corn

This is very easy to prepare and will take about ten minutes long to finish, the flavor is balanced and it contains a bunch of vitamins, minerals and nutriments to your overall health. In the video you can find the preparation and a look to the result you can get. Don't miss the the opportunity to try it!!

We hope you find this useful, if you haven´t taken the decision of caring more about your body it´s not too late, start improving your health. dont forget to share this post on facebook with your friends, pin us in your board, and subscribe to our Youtube Channel(Use the buttons below). See you soon..

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Thursday, December 1, 2016

Common situations you will pay off over time

Time flies, and life settles, but your decisions of today influence your actions, and the consecuences of tomorrow will settle also. This might be an axiom you have heard over your life so many times, you probably don´t want to be told again; we totally get it!, but what if there are things you are doing now which its awful consecuences you don't know yet?. Well, there are many!. You can infer some of them: (drinking a little too much and too often), smoking, snacking non-stop (even when not hungry), eating fast food, overusing pills or spending way too many hours planted in front of the TV, just to mention a few. That is why today we chose some non common ones to let you know about them and to help you avoid it. That being said: Let's start..

   Skipping breakfast. 

Why It's Dangerous: Skipping the first meal of the day can have serious consequences for your weight, your energy levels, and even your blood sugar. Munching a piece of morning toast or crunching a bowl of bran flakes signals to your metabolism that it's time to kick things up a notch. Skipping the fuel keeps your metabolism running on low, which can lead to weight gain and sluggishness. You'll also create a starve-now-indulge-later eating pattern, which is why breakfast-skippers tend to overeat later in the day. Why You Should Stop: Starting a breakfast routine is easy. The moment you do, you take a major step towards fixing 

the problems skipping breakfast caused, including excess weight and unhealthy blood sugar swings. Eating breakfast will result in more stable blood sugar, which means fewer food cravings and hunger pangs later in the day. Because you're re-fueling your body early in the day, you'll also have more energy in the morning. You may find that you start to control your weight more easily, too. Reverse the Habit: - Work with your body: Not hungry first thing in the day? Wait and hour or two until you're ready to eat. - Eat foods you like: No need to start the day with breakfast food. Have a sandwich, a bowl of soup, or last night's leftovers—whatever your pleasure is. - No time? Make a portable breakfast sandwich: Bring along a piece of fruit, and maybe some milk in a coffee mug. - Grab an energy bar and a cup of yogurt: Both are instantly ready, and together they are the perfect amount of nutrients and calories to start your day. - Have a smoothie: Whirl low-fat yogurt, frozen berries, half a banana, a little OJ, and some honey in a blender. It's the ultimate healthy on-the-go breakfast. - Set things up in advance: Prep breakfast the night before, so you can eat it at the kitchen table in 10 minutes or less.

Getting sunburned a few times every summer.

Why It's Dangerous: If you love sunbathing or make an effort to maintain a golden-bronze tan, you've unwittingly contributed to the aging of your skin. Sunbathing destroys the elastic fibers that keep skin looking firm and smooth, leading to earlier wrinkles, blotches, freckles, and discolorations. More importantly, sunburns contribute significantly to cancers of the skin. If you've added trips to the tanning salon, it's even worse. Despite what ads suggest, using tanning beds doesn't build up a 'safe' base tan. It actually raises your risk for skin cancer and wrinkles. Why You Should Stop: Sun exposure, especially if your quest for the perfect tan has left you sunburned, damages skin in ways that can never be repaired or reversed. Avoiding additional burns can at least help you prevent further damage. Protecting your skin also results in softer, suppler skin with fewer wrinkles and less discoloration. 6 Tips for Recovery: - Schedule an annual skin check by a dermatologist: Your doctor will inspect your skin for any unusual changes, and take a small sample to determine the nature of the growth. - Always wear sunscreen: Keep high SPF sunscreens near all your exits. It only takes about 30 seconds to apply. - Stay safe in the sun: Stick to the shade, wear a hat, sunglasses, long sleeves and pants during peak sunburn hours. - Get your glow with a self-tanner instead of the sun: You'll get the bronzed look without the cancer risk. - Know a danger sign when you see it: Anything new that doesn't look right to you on your skin deserves to be checked by a doctor. - Sip green tea: There's some evidence that green tea may protect your cellsagainst cancer-causing sun damage.

Bad Habit: Overspending your way into debt.


Why It's Dangerous: Money worries can have serious health consequences. In a Rutgers University telephone survey, responders said financial stress contributed to high blood pressure, depression, insomnia, headaches, digestion troubles, aches and pains, ulcers, excessive smoking and drinking, and gaining or losing weight. Why You Should Stop: You'll regain a hold on your finances. It's tough, but getting yourself out of debt is a lot like losing weight. It takes time, can be hard on your ego and your lifestyle, you have to be constantly vigilant, and it's easy to revert back to old habits. But for those who succeed, and many people do, the results are stunning. You'll feel more in control of your life with less stress and fewer worries. You'll be able to sleep better, stop overeating, and have fewer headaches. Finding ways to curb your spending and focus on the simple joys in life will also help improve your relationships. Reverse the Habit: - Learn about money management: Educate yourself on the the basic rules and methods of personal finance—for credit cards, mortgages, budgeting, and investing. - Freeze your credit cards: Literally. Put them in a cup, add water, and relegate them to the back of your freezer so you'll stop using them. - Create a budget: How much money is coming in each month? How much are you spending on essentials, and how much frivolously? Keep track, and discover what you need to cut back on. - Pay at least the monthly minimum on your bills: Prioritize paying more on the highest-interest credit card. Once you've paid it off, move on to the next worst. - Automate good monthly habits: Use online banking to transfer some of your paychecks into a savings account, and set your bills to be paid automatically. - Change money priorities: Stop shopping as a form of entertainment or distraction. Identify important things you'll need in the future and start savings programs for each.

Behavior that leaves you angry, worried, or stressed oftenly.

Why it's Dangerous: An unhappy lifestyle releases a cascade of stress hormones that increase your blood pressure and blood sugar, lower immunity, slow digestion, and make you feel downright mean. Nature intended stress to be a short-lived fight-or-flight response to a threat, but modern life can lead to chronic stress and to far-reaching impacts on your health, such as increased risk of being overweight and overeating

high-fat, sugary foods. Both raise your odds for heart disease and diabetes. Why You Should Stop: Stress-reduction techniques have been proven to lower blood sugar, improve immunity, reduce depression, ease chronic pain, lower blood sugar, and possibly protect your heart, too. A regained sense of joy and control is worth its weight in gold, and the physical health benefits will be substantial as well.Reverse the Habit: - Learn to stop getting stressed so easily: How you react to triggers determines your stress level. Next time you feel a situation emerging, work hard at managing it and staying cool. - Learn a formal stress-relief process: Among the most proven are yoga, meditation, and deep breathing. - Rediscover optimism: Pessimism is a learned behavior. Regaining your sense of hope can go a long way toward stifling stress and regaining a sense of happiness. - Eat healthy and exercise: A healthy lifestyle does wonders for your ability tomanage stressful situations. - Enjoy a relaxing hobby: Calm down by immersing yourself fully during your down time. - Rediscover silliness: Remember than in every grown adult resides a young child. You're older, but you spirits doesn't have to be. Stop suppressing your sense of fun and silliness and remember to enjoy yourself.

Overusing pain killers and sedatives

Why It's Dangerous: When they're not taken properly, long-term habitual use can cause more problems than it solves. Using drugs like ibuprofen or aspirin for arthritis or muscle pain can over time increase your risk for ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding, high blood pressure, and heart attacks. Calming drugs and sleeping pills can leave you feeling confused and prone to stumbling and falling if you take them in higher-than-prescribed doses. Since they make you feel good, you may want to keep on taking them, turning them into a habit or
addiction before you you know it. Why You Should Stop: New pain-relief strategies can ease muscle, joint, and head pain with fewer pills and side effects. Kicking the sedative and prescription pain pill habit is possible with commitment and support, and once the pill-taking has ceased, your body will quickly rebound from their effects. You'll spend less money on medications. You may cut your risk for heart and high blood pressure problems as well as gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding. You'll also be more alert and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that you've beaten a drug dependency. Reverse the Habit: - Switch to acetominophen for chronic pain: It doesn't cause stomach irritation, and doesn't raise blood pressure like aspirin and ibuprofen. Save ibupofen for flare-ups of severe, short-term pain. It's usually safe for up to 10 days, but not more. - For frequent headaches see your doctor:Migraines can be stopped quickly with the right medication. - Check out alternate pain-relief strategies: Weight loss, exercise, stress relief and avoiding triggers can help. - Don't take habit-forming drugs for over four months: Challenge your doctors when they want to put you on pain, mood, or sleeping medication long-term if you think you'll be susceptible to addiction—particularly if the drugs work well. - Watch for hidden signs: Clues you're takingtoo much of a tranquilizer include memory loss, excess sleepiness, feeling unresponsive and falling frequently. - Get help if you can't stop: There's no shame in asking for help from family members, friends, or your doctor.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

5 Ways to a Healthy Lifestyle for You and your Children

Hello guys!! Today we have for you 5 easy ways to a healthy lifestyle!!  With good food habits and daily physical activities you will have a healthy life. Easy to say, but sometimes hard to do.
We have a busy lifesytle and sometimes we don't have time to do exercise or to cook healthy food but with a good attitude and motivation we can organize our time and do our best to achieve this steps to a healthy life. Also is necessary to teach our kids about the importance of have a healthy life to avoid some issues in our children as the obesity.

1- Get active each day: 
  Include activities that strenghten muscles and bones on at least 3 days per week.
 Regular physical activity is important for the healthy growth, development and well-being of children and young people.
 Parents should be good role models for their children and have a positive attitude to being active.

2- Choose water as a drink:
  Water is the best way to quench your thirst and  it doesn't come with added sugar found in fruit juices, soft drinks and others sweetened  drinks.
  Is a nutritious drink and a great source of calcium.

3-Eat more fruits and vegetables:
  Eating fruits and vegetables every day hepls children grow and develop, and can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.
  Have fresh fruit available as a snack and try to include fruit and vegetables in every meal.

4-Switch off the screen and get active: 
   Spent time watching TV, surfing online or play videogames is linked to kids becoming overweight.
   Plan a range of active outdoor games and activities for you and your children, as alternatives to watching TV or playing videogames.

5-Eat fewer snacks and select healthier alternatives:
  Avoid snacks that are high in sugar or saturated fats, such as chips,cakes and chocolate, which can cause excess weight.
  Reduce fat dairy products and whole grains are the healthiest choices.

We hope you find this useful, if you haven´t taken the decision of caring more about your body it´s not too late, start improving your health. dont forget to share this post on facebook with your friends, pin us in your board, and subscribe to our Youtube Channel(Use the buttons below). See you soon..

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Monday, November 28, 2016

About your inmune system and how to strengthen it

You probably don't think much about your immune system until you're feeling sick, fighting an intruder element. But your immune system does a great job attacking germs and microbes every single day. That is, as long as you're supplying the support it needs, says Neil Schachter, MD, a pulmonary disease specialist at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. There are a host of ways to boost your immunity—from eating apples (they really do keep the doctor away!) to having sex on the reg. Here's a primer to help you stay healthy till you won't have to worry again. But fisrst some facts you might find interesting..

Women are more likely to have autoimmune diseases

Of the more than 23.5 million Americans living with autoimmune diseases (such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis), over three-fourths are women. "Why?" is the billion-dollar question: "We think, based on animal research, that sex hormones like estrogen are responsible," says Abby Abelson, MD, a
rheumatologist at the Cleveland Clinic. "Your body's immune cells actually have sex hormone receptors that estrogen binds to," she explains, "and that may trigger inflammation that causes the immune system to go into overdrive." Women may also have more of a type of B cell that makes autoantibodies that attack the body's own tissue, per research from National Jewish Health in Denver. There is good news, though: For some of these diseases, symptoms can be milder in women than in men, says Dr. Abelson.

Your digestion is linked to your immune system

Actually, about 70 percent of the cells that make up your immune system are located in the lining of your digestive tract. "People don't realize it, but your GI tract is one way your body gets rid of toxins," explains Anish Sheth, MD, chief of gastroenterology at the University Medical Center of Princeton. The best tactic
for keeping both your immune system and your digestive system in tip-top shape is to eat clean, he says, which means filling up on foods that are low in processed sugar and high in fiber, such as produce and whole grains. This helps foster a healthy microbiome in the gut by promoting the growth of friendly bacteria. Also, talk to your doctor about taking a probiotic. There's some research suggesting that certain strains (like Lactobacillus GG) enhance immunity.

Sex, stress and sleep all impact your defenses

Sex: Research found that college students who had sex once or twice a week had 30 percent more immunoglobulin A, a blood protein that helps defend against colds, than those who didn't have sex or who had sex more frequently.

Stress: It not only makes you more susceptible to bugs but also decreases your body's ability to manage inflammation, according to 2012 research—so you may stay sick longer. When you're chronically stressed, your body ramps up cortisol production, which can have a negative effect on the immune system, says Dr. Schachter.

Sleep: Clocking fewer than six hours a night left people four times as likely to get sick when exposed to a cold virus as those who got at least seven hours of slumber, per a 2015 study. While you're snoozing, says Dr. Schachter, T cells that fight viruses increase in the bloodstream.

There's a better time of day to get the flu shot

You know the flu shot is the number one way to protect yourself from the virus that can leave you feeling like you've been rammed by a bus for up to two weeks. But what you may not know is that it's ideal to get jabbed in the morning. A recent U.K. study found that, compared with folks who got immunized between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m., people who received shots between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. had significantly higher levels of the antibodies for two flu strains one month later. It may have to do with the natural daily cycle of immune cells. So, if you can, head to the clinic early.

And at last: Foods that can help boost your immunity

These immune boosters aren't just old people tale, they have solid research behind them.

Garlic: People who took garlic supplements during a three-month period had fewer colds than those who took a placebo, according to a 2014 study. Another study found a 30 percent reduction in the risk of colon cancer among people who ate a lot of raw or cooked garlic.

Alcohol: Research suggests that moderate drinking (usually defined as one drink a day for women) helps the immune system. But binge drinking is different: Adults who downed five vodka shots had drops in disease-fighting white blood cells within hours, a 2015 study found.

Apples: The fruit is rich in soluble fiber, a substance that seems to improve immunity, per a University of Illinois study. Researchers found that mice given this type of fiber got half as sick as mice that weren't given any; and they recovered 50 percent faster.

Chicken soup: It contains carnosine, an amino acid compound that helps your body fight off flu in the early stages, says a study in the American Journal of Therapeutics. Other research has shown that the homemade kind has a mild anti-inflammatory effect.

Then you already know it.. We don;t have to spend outrageous amounts of money to keep our cells under the right care, just a little changes in our practice, nutrition and some treats and that's it; the non magic combination of assured health.

We hope you find this useful, if you haven´t taken the decision of caring more about your body it´s not too late, start improving your health. dont forget to share this post on facebook with your friends, pin us in your board, and subscribe to our Youtube Channel(Use the buttons below). See you soon..

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