Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Our reason to be

Hello fellows, welcome to our Blog!!
We are glad to start this new project and we hope you enjoy learning and improving as much as we do. And how not to?

It´s exciting to know there is a better way to eat, new ingredients to include, and that the common ones we might think simple and boring are in fact full of awesome nutriments and properties to keep you healthy and well.

We will also provide some easy and interesting recipes to try, and useful information that you might find productive and applicable to your lifestyle.

Of course the exercising is part of a healthy life, we will provide you with nice tips for you to start or include in your personal life, have fun!!

Our names are: Otto F. in the right and George B. in the left, we are the team behind this innitiative. Read us everyday and stay alert to our updates, this is absolutely possitive to you. You can follow us in our Facebook page , also in our Youtube Channel , and Pinterest profile (pin us to receive updated useful content), thanks for coming, have a great time, come back soon.

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